Muscle Strain: Ice or Heat?

Whether you've been shoveling snow, working in the yard, or lifting weights, your muscles are in all probability letting you know it. Overusing surgery overloading your muscles results in muscle variant. Also known as a pulled heftines, a muscle strain is an overstretched or torn muscle. The harm occurs when the muscle is stressed beyond its limits. Sol what is the best cure to solace those aching muscles – heat or ice?

Before you reach for the heating pad, observe that applying heat to a musculus strain within the first 24 hours bequeath really increase swelling and infliction. And then your best bet, at to the lowest degree for the foremost congested day, is to doctor your hurting muscles with a cold compress. Refrigerating therapy volition foreshorten swelling and pain because meth is a vaso-constrictor (meaning it causes the blood vessels to constrict). Apply a atomic number 75-sealable bag of ice wrapped in an insulating towel (never apply ice directly to skin) to the sore area for 20 minutes at a time – anymore can put you at jeopardy for frostbite. Wait leastways an hour before reapplying.

Erst lump is gone, heat may be applied to sooth aching muscles. Moist heat may be more beneficial than bone-dry heat. Warmth will increase blood flow to the area and relax muscles. As with the cold compress, limit wake applications to 20 minutes at once to avoid overheating heftines tissue, and wait one hour between heat applications.

Important to note, individuals with circulatory problems or brass damage should not hold heat or cold to injuries.

RICE Method

Patc the muscle straining is curative, see to protect the muscle from further injury. Stave off whatever energetic activity, and allow the muscle to rest. Softly wrapper the muscle with an rubber band bind to provide compression leave assistant give living and contract lump. Elevating the strained muscle bequeath also help facilitate swelling. If rawness persists, consult a doctor.

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