How Many Parts of Beef Tripe
BY-PRODUCTS | Edible, for Human Consumption
H.W. Ockerman , L. Basu , in Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (Second Edition), 2014
Beef tripe is produced from the offset (rumen, paunch) and 2d (reticulum, honeycomb) stomachs of cattle. It is referred to as patently (3.two kg) and honeycomb (680 g), respectively. Sheep breadbasket tin can be processed similar to beefiness stomach and will yield approximately 1 kg of tripe. Pork stomach can also be processed and will yield approximately 1.2 kg of tripe. The omasum (bible) from beefiness or lamb is hard to make clean, deteriorates apace, and is not usually used for human food. Brown, about furry, 'raw unscalded' beef tripe is the paunch that has been cold-water flushed to remove the contents. After scalding, foam-colored, denuded tripe is made from the paunch (rumen), which is then washed in running water, with hot water in a rotating machine with continuous flushing or with diluted soda water (limewater), and then soaked in tap water. The dark internal lining is scraped to remove the mucosa. The clean tum is converted into tripe by cut to size and pickling in common salt alkali, or by cooking and pickling in a weak salt and vinegar alkali. Tripe may be precooked (usual form) in h2o, sometimes fully cooked, and may be packed in vinegar, pickled or canned.
Types of beef tripe products available include the following:
- •
Tripe cooked: Scalded tripe, cooled, drained, and so cooked to increment compactness.
- •
Tripe cooked and bleached: Cooked tripe that is bleached and neutralized.
- •
Mountain concatenation beef tripe: Dark foam-colored, muscular pillars from mature cattle that is scalded or treated with additives.
Types of pork breadbasket available include the following:
- •
Whole unscalded: Low-cal to medium brown, inverted, cleaned, and trimmed; the lining might be removed.
- •
Scalded form: Foam to light chocolate-brown, inverted, cleaned and trimmed, and scalded; the lining might besides exist removed.
Precooked tripe requires boosted table salt-water cooking and is often served with sauces or dressings or used in meat casseroles, stews, or pies. Considering tripe is delicately flavored, it is oftentimes combined with tomato plant sauce, buttered and broiled, covered with dressing and baked, dipped in butter and sautéed, or combined with a thick soup.
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OFFAL | Types of Offal
W.F. Spooncer , in Encyclopedia of Nutrient Sciences and Nutrition (2nd Edition), 2003
Cattle and sheep stomachs have four compartments, all of which tin can be used to make tripe. Tripe from the rumen and reticulum is the most common. Rumen tripe is known as blanket tripe and reticulum tripe is known as the honeycomb. The internal surface of the rumen has densely packed papillae, while the reticulum has ridges in the shape of a honeycomb structure. In addition, there are thickened folds in the rumen wall. These folds contain a core of smooth muscle and are not covered past papillae. The fold can be trimmed out of the rumen to produce pillae tripe, known commercially as pillar or mountain chain.
The third compartment of the ruminant breadbasket is the omasum. The internal wall is in the form of deep, thin folds like the pages of a book. This appearance accounts for the pop name for the omasum, which is 'bible.' Although the omasum has a delicate flavor and texture, it is not commonly used as tripe because of the difficulty of cleaning the stomach contents from betwixt the folds. The fourth part of the ruminant stomach is the abomasum, sometimes chosen the reed.
The four parts of the stomach are collected in i slice and the omental fat (caul fat) and spleen are removed. The neck of the omasum is cut to separate the rumen and reticulum from the omasum and abomasum. The rumen is cutting open and the contents of the rumen and reticulum done out. The rumen and reticulum are then trimmed into the different tripes, and external fat is trimmed off. Mountain chain tripe does not receive further processing, but blanket and honeycomb tripes may exist further cleaned, scalded, and bleached with hydrogen peroxide.
The walls of ruminant stomachs are composed of smooth muscle and connective tissue. The papillae in the rumen are composed of collagen and elastin fibers covered with cornified epithelia, while the ridges and folds in the reticulum and omasum contain smoothen muscle besides equally connective tissue. There are small, cornified papillae on the folds of the omasum, and the surfaces of the folds are covered by a keratinized mucous membrane. The abomasum has a thick epithelial lining.
Tripes are generally tough because of the high connective tissue content. They comprise near 35 g of collagen per 100 yard of protein. They require prolonged, moist cooking to tenderize them. Bleached tripe is treated with caustic soda and has a pH of about 7–9, which increases the water-holding capacity and helps to tenderize the tripe.
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URL: discipline/article/pii/B012227055X008579
Canning of meat and poultry
In A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes (Fourteenth Edition), 2016
seven.two.8 Sausage
Sausage meat may exist canned equally pork sausage or meat from other animals or a mixture of meats. The ingredients may include beef trimmings, tripe, poultry, and and so on. Each sausage maker has individual formulas or recipes for the sausage. These vary profoundly in different localities. The following formulae may exist used as a starting point and varied to suit the desires of the trade.
Sausage meat
Ingredients | Metric amount | Royal (U.Due south.) amount |
Regular pork trimmings | 22.7 kg | 50 lbs. |
Tripe | 11.iv kg | 25 lbs. |
Pork or beef head meat | xi.4 kg | 25 lbs. |
Common salt | i.i kg | two ½ lbs. |
White pepper* | 227 g | 8 oz. |
Mace* | 28 grand | 1 oz. |
Sage* | 57 g | 2 oz. |
- *
- A specially formulated spice alloy or spice oil with the equivalent amounts of these ingredients may be used.
Pork sausage meat
Ingredients | Metric amount | Imperial (U.South.) amount |
Regular pork trimmings | 45.five kg | 100 lbs. |
Salt | 1.1 kg | two ½ lbs. |
Sage* | 28 grand | 1 oz. |
White pepper* | 198 m | vii oz. |
Savory* | 18 one thousand | five⁄8 oz. |
- *
- An peculiarly formulated spice blend.
The meats are ground through a meat grinder, using the. 0.4 cm (5/32-in.) plate. The amounts of each ingredient as specified in the formula are weighed and mixed in the sausage mixer with the salt and spices until thoroughly mixed.
The filled cans are passed slowly through an exhaust box so that the average temperature of the contents is at to the lowest degree 52 °C (125 °F). The cans should exist airtight immediately after exhausting.
Examples of process times and temperatures for sausage meats, in however retorts*
Tin can size | Time | Temperature |
one lb. (454 kg) | 120 min | 116 °C (240 °F) |
2 lb. (0.91 kg) | 150 min | 116 °C (240 °F) |
- *
- These processes are subject to modify as further data becomes available. For latest recommended processes or for processes in other sterilisation systems or in other can sizes, consult with a competent thermal procedure authority.
Immediately after processing, the cans should exist water cooled to 95–105 °F (37–42 °C).
Vienna sausage. Vienna sausages used for canning are especially prepared for that purpose. The cured sausage meat is stuffed in narrow casings, which are not linked, simply hung over the fume sticks forming ii lengths of approximately 0.half-dozen grand (2 ft.). The sausage is given a skilful drying and a lite smoke in the smokehouse. Besides much smoking gives an excessive smoked season to the canned product. If the product is non dried sufficiently, splitting of the casings will be observed later processing.
The sausage is cut either past hand or machine into suitable lengths for standing on cease in the can, allowing for approximately six mm (0.25 in.) headspace. The pieces of sausage are packed into the cans by hand to approximately the desired weight and placed on a conveyor, which carries them to the weighers, who suit the contents to the desired weight.
The interstices and headspace of the filled cans are sometimes filled with gelatin, but nearly canners use merely humid h2o or brine instead. The latter procedure gives a clear liquor and a very satisfactory product (run across Figure 7.2).
Figure 7.2. Canned Vienna sausages.
The filled cans are passed through a steam exhaust box. The fourth dimension of the frazzle varies from 3 to 5 min, depending on the size of the can. After exhausting, the center of the tin should be 70 °C (160 °F). From the exhaust box the cans should pass immediately to the closing machine for sealing. At that place should be no delay between the exhausting and closing of the can.
The sealed cans are immediately processed. The following processes are suggested for all the same retorts:*
Examples of procedure times and temperatures for Vienna sausages, in notwithstanding retorts*
Can size | Fourth dimension | Temperature |
four oz. (113 g) | 80 min | 116 °C (240 °F) |
x oz. (285 chiliad) | 130 min | 116 °C (240 °F) |
24 oz. (680 g) | 200 min | 116 °C (240 °F) |
- *
- These processes are subject area to change every bit further information becomes bachelor. For latest recommended processes or for processes in other sterilisation systems or in other tin sizes, consult with a competent thermal process say-so.
After processing, the cans should be cooled immediately in cold water until the temperature at the centre of the can has been reduced to between 95 and 105 °F (37 and 42 °C).
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Global Nutrient and Nutrition: World Nutrient, Health and the Environment
Jacqueline B. Marcus MS, RD, LD, CNS, FADA , in Culinary Nutrition, 2013
Soups, Gumbos, and Stews
Soups, gumbos, and stews are pop starters to Puerto Rican meals. They include caldo gallego (Galician sausage and greens soup), mondongo (tripe soup), sopón de garbanzos con patas de cerdo (chickpea soup with grunter'southward anxiety), sopón de pescado (fish soup), and sopón de pollo con arroz (chicken soup with rice).
Asopao is a traditional Puerto Rican stew that includes asopao de pollo (chicken stew) and asopao de gandules (rice and pigeon pea stew). Other stews include carne guisada puertorriqueña (beefiness stew), habichuelas rosadas secas (reddish bean stew), and sancocho (root vegetable stew).
Typical soup and stew ingredients are asparagus, capers, chili peppers, chorizo sausages, cilantro, cured ham, garlic, greenish peas, green peppers, olives, onions, oregano, paprika, pimientos, potatoes, raisins, salt pork and/or tomatoes.
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https://world wide
Edible By-products
Herbert W. Ockerman , ... Fidel Toldrá , in Lawrie´southward Meat Science (Eighth Edition), 2017
22.3 Nutritional Value of Edible By-products
Edible by-products are usually different from skeletal tissue in construction, composition, and sensory properties. By-products such as blood, liver, lung, heart, kidney, brains, spleen, and tripe constitute part of the diet in unlike countries worldwide and have a high nutritional value ( Honikel, 2011) as reflected past its composition (Table 22.iii), peculiarly in its content in minerals and trace elements (Table 22.iv) and vitamins (Table 22.5). The values given in such tables reflect guess values, which are merely indicative for informative purposes since the chemical composition is subjected to many variables for each item beast such every bit species, genetics, age, gender, type of feed, and type of breeding. The iron content in edible by-products is higher than in respective meats, while spleen, liver, tongue, and middle are richer in zinc (see Chapter 20). Liver and kidney are particularly rich in selenium, while liver, brain, and spleen are rich in phosphorus. In general, all by-products, and especially liver, constitute a good source of vitamin B and liver and kidney for vitamin A (García-Llatas et al., 2011). A better noesis of the nutritional value of edible by-products would contribute to an increase in the consumption of these products.
Table 22.3. Proximate Composition in Major Constituents per 100 grand of Beefiness, Pork, and Lamb Edible Past-products
Organ | Species | Energy (kcal) | Protein (g) | Fat (g) | Carbohydrates (thousand) |
Liver | Beef | 130 | 21 | iii | 5 |
Pork | 140 | 22 | iv.five | 3 | |
Lamb | 150 | 21 | 5 | v | |
Centre | Beef | 115 | 17 | 5 | 0.5 |
Pork | 115 | 17 | 5 | 0.5 | |
Lamb | 120 | 17 | 5.5 | 0.five | |
Kidney | Beef | 100 | xvi | 4 | one |
Pork | 90 | 16 | 3 | 1 | |
Lamb | 95 | 17 | 3 | 1 | |
Brain | Calf | 120 | ten.five | viii.five | <ane |
Pork | 125 | 10.5 | 9 | <ane | |
Lamb | 120 | 10.5 | 8 | <1 | |
Tongue | Beefiness | 185 | 16.5 | 13 | 0.5 |
Pork | 180 | 16 | 13 | 0.5 | |
Spleen | Beefiness | 110 | 18 | three.5 | 1 |
Pork | 105 | eighteen | 2.5 | – | |
Lamb | 95 | 17 | 3 | – | |
Blood | Beef | 70 | xvi.5 | 0.4 | 0.ane |
Pork | 70 | 17 | 0.4 | |
Adapted from Honikel, G.O., 2011. Composition and calories. In: Nollet, 50.K.Fifty., Toldrá, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Analysis of Edible Fauna Past-products. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, The states, pp. 105–121 and Ockerman, H.Westward., Basu, L., 2014. By-products. In: Devine, C., Dikeman, M. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences, second ed. Oxford, Elsevier, Great britain, pp. 104–112.
Table 22.4. Proximate Composition of Minerals per 100 grand of Raw Portion of Beef, Pork, and Lamb Edible By-products
Organ | Species | Ca (mg) | P (mg) | Fe (mg) | Na (mg) | K (mg) | Mg (mg) | Se (µg) | Zn (mg) |
Liver | Beefiness | seven | 356 | vi.7 | 110 | 300 | 35 | xv | iv |
Pork | 8 | 363 | xx | lxxx | 295 | 30 | 46 | 7.v | |
Lamb | 7.v | 250 | 8.v | 85 | 300 | 20 | 55 | iv.v | |
Heart | Beef | 5 | 210 | 4.v | xc | 250 | 17 | 15 | i.5 |
Pork | 4.five | 165 | 4.1 | 67 | 200 | 17 | – | 6.5 | |
Lamb | 5 | 210 | 3.5 | 140 | 280 | twenty | 2 | 2 | |
Kidney | Beef | 10.5 | 219 | 6.five | 178 | 230 | 20 | 115 | 2 |
Pork | 9.5 | 240 | 6.0 | 160 | 240 | twenty | 190 | 2.5 | |
Lamb | eight | 250 | 5 | 150 | 270 | 15 | – | – | |
Brain | Beef | x | 312 | 2.3 | 125 | 219 | xv | – | 1 |
Pork | 10 | 312 | 2.5 | 125 | 219 | xv | one.5 | 1.5 | |
Lamb | 10 | 270 | two | 110 | 300 | 12 | – | 1.5 | |
Tongue | Beef | seven | 175 | two.v | 75 | 220 | 18 | 2 | iii |
Pork | 11 | 190 | four.5 | 115 | 255 | 18 | 12 | | |
Spleen | Beef | six | 360 | 44 | fourscore | 320 | 20 | 30 | 4 |
Pork | half dozen | 370 | 21 | 85 | 320 | 17 | 35 | vii | |
Lamb | 6 | – | 42 | 85 | 360 | 20 | – | 3 | |
Claret | Beef | vii | 50 | l | 330 | 43 | 3 | xv | 0.5 |
Pork | 7 | 75 | 40 | 210 | 170 | 9 | 8 | 0.iii |
Adapted from Ockerman, H.W., Hansen, C.L., 2000. Animate being By-production Processing and Utilization. Technomic, Lancaster, PA and Honikel, M.O., 2011. Composition and calories. In: Nollet, L.Yard.L., Toldrá, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Analysis of Edible Animal Past-products. CRC Printing, Boca Raton, FL, United states of america, pp. 105–121.
Table 22.five. Proximate Composition of Vitamins per 100 g of Raw Portion of Beef, Pork, and Lamb Edible By-products
Organ | Species | Vitamin Bi (mg) | Vitamin B2 (mg) | Vitamin Biii (mg) | Vitamin B5 (mg) | Vitamin Bhalf dozen (mg) | Vitamin B12 (μg) | Vitamin A (RE μg) | Vitamin C (mg) | Vitamin D (μg) | Vitamin E (mg) |
Liver | Beefiness | 0.3 | three.5 | 20 | seven.5 | one.0 | 100 | 21,000 | thirty | ane.7 | 0.7 |
Pork | 0.3 | iii.0 | 21 | 7.0 | 0.7 | xl | xx,000 | 25 | five.0 | 0.7 | |
Lamb | 0.35 | three.0 | 14 | 8.0 | 0.iv | 85 | fifty,000 | 35 | 0.half dozen | 0.4 | |
Heart | Beef | 0.ii | 0.45 | 35 | 2.5 | 0.three | 10 | 6 | 2 | 1.0 | 0.two |
Pork | 0.6 | 0.45 | x | 2.v | 0.45 | 2.5 | v | iii | 0.7 | 0.two | |
Lamb | 0.iv | 0.99 | half-dozen | two.6 | 0.4 | ten | Nil | 5 | – | – | |
Kidney | Beef | 0.4 | 2.0 | ix.v | 3.5 | 0.45 | thirty | 800 | 15 | 1 | 0.ii |
Pork | 0.35 | i.7 | 13.5 | iii.0 | 0.6 | ten | 150 | 12 | 1 | 0.2 | |
Lamb | 0.6 | 2.2 | 7.v | four.2 | 0.22 | 52 | 316 | 11 | – | – | |
Encephalon | Beef | 0.15 | 0.25 | 4.5 | two.5 | 0.3 | 12 | – | 15 | – | – |
Pork | 0.15 | 0.30 | 4.0 | 1.0 | i.0 | 11 | – | 15 | – | – | |
Lamb | 0.13 | | 3.9 | 0.ix | 0.3 | xi | – | 14 | – | – | |
Tongue | Beef | | 0.4 | six.5 | 2 | 0.15 | 5.0 | Nil | five.0 | Tr | 0.1 |
Pork | 0.iii | 0.4 | 8.0 | 2 | 0.35 | 3.5 | 9 | 3.5 | 0.half-dozen | 0.5 | |
Lamb | 0.1 | 0.4 | iv.6 | – | 0.18 | 7.2 | 0 | six | – | – | |
Spleen | Beefiness | 0.fifteen | 0.3 | eight | 1.2 | 0.12 | five.v | Tr | 45 | – | – |
Pork | 0.15 | 0.3 | 6 | ane.0 | 0.05 | 3.v | Tr | 30 | – | – | |
Lamb | 0.05 | 0.three | eight | – | 0.eleven | 5.3 | 0 | 23 | – | – | |
Blood | Beef | 0.1 | 0.1 | three.5 | – | 0.01 | 0.six | 30 | Nada | 0.1 | 0.4 |
Pork | 0.1 | 0.1 | 3.5 | – | 0.01 | 0.6 | 25 | Aught | 0.ane | 0.4 |
Tr, trace.
Adapted from Ockerman, H.W., Hansen, C.L., 2000. Animal By-product Processing and Utilization. Technomic, Lancaster, PA; Honikel, K.O., 2011. Limerick and calories. In: Nollet, Fifty.M.L., Toldrá, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Assay of Edible Animal By-products. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 105–121 and Kim, Y.N., 2011. Vitamins. In: Nollet, L.K.L., Toldrá, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Analysis of Edible Animal By-products. CRC Press, The states, pp. 161–182.
Edible by-products are relatively rich in saturated fatty acids, and the contents of n-iii polyunsaturated fat acids (PUFAs) are depression (Prates et al., 2011; Alfaia et al., 2017) every bit shown in Table 22.half dozen. There is a big variability in the content of fat acids among the unlike by-products. Major fatty acids are palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:ii), and arachidonic acids (C20:4). Nevertheless, encephalon contains high levels of due north-three PUFA (Alfaia et al., 2017). The amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in the meat and edible by-products from ruminants is particularly relevant due to its formation by rumen microorganisms (see Affiliate 20). CLA is a term defining a group of geometric and positional isomers of linoleic acid that has received attending because of their anticarcinogenic furnishings every bit well as other reported effects on the immune system and lipid metabolism (Schmid et al., 2006). The isomer in higher proportion is rumenic acid (cis-nine, trans-11 CLA), which is produced in rumen through microbial biohydrogenation of dietary linoleic acid and also endogenous germination by delta-9 desaturation of vaccenic acid (Nuernberg et al., 2005). It has been reported that the endogenous synthesis of rumenic acid decreases when the exogenous supply is increased (Palmquist et al., 2004). The concentrations of CLA may be as loftier as four.3–nineteen.0 mg/g lipid in lamb and 1.2–x.0 mg/g lipid in beef, just the content varies also considerably from animal to animal and even between different tissues within an animal (Prates and Bessa, 2009). The highest content is in liver, followed past tongue, heart, and kidney (Florek et al., 2012). On the other hand, the cholesterol content in edible by-products is commonly several times higher than in musculus tissue (see Affiliate 20), as shown in Table 22.7, considering information technology is the major component of cell membranes and of nerves and is an agile metabolite inside the cells of organs and glandular meats (Bragagnolo, 2011). This high cholesterol content restricts for health concerns the consumption of edible by-products. The content of essential amino acids in edible past-products is high with outstanding content of lysine within the range 72–82 mg/g protein, leucine with 80–xc mg/grand protein, and valine with 52–62 mg/chiliad poly peptide (Aristoy and Toldrá, 2011).
Table 22.6. Range of Percentage of Fatty Acids in Fats From Beef and Pork Edible By-products
Fatty Acid | Liver | Heart | Kidney | Brain | Spleen | |||||
Beef | Pork | Beef | Pork | Beef | Pork | Beef | Pork | Beef | Pork | |
Cx:0 | Tr | – | | 0.3 | | 0.1 | – | – | – | Tr |
C12:0 | 0.2 | Tr-0.two | 0.1 | Tr–0.3 | 0.two | 0.1–0.iii | – | Tr | Tr–0.3 | Tr–0.4 |
Cxiii:0 | Tr | 0.ane | – | – | – | Tr | – | – | – | – |
Cthirteen:1 | Tr | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | Tr | – |
Cxiv:R | – | – | 0.2 | – | 0.ane | 0.1 | 0.2 | Tr | – | 0.1 |
Cfourteen:0 | 0.8–i | 0.5–one.vii | 0.2–ii | 0.ii–2 | ii.0 | 0.5–ane.7 | 0.4–one | 0.3–0.8 | 1–2 | 1–2 |
Cfourteen:i | 0.1–0.3 | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.ii–0.three | 01–0.34 | 0.i | 0.i–0.ii | – | – | Tr |
C15:R | 0.v | – | 0.2 | – | 0.7 | – | 0.2 | – | – | – |
C15:0 | 0.7 | 0.1–0.ii | 0.3 | Tr–0.1 | 0.8 | 0.1 | ii | 0.i | 0.iv | |
Cxv:1 | 2 | – | 0.3 | – | 0.iv | 0.iv | – | 1 | 0.7 | Tr |
C16:R | – | 0.7 | 0.six | 0.3 | – | – | 0.2 | – | – | – |
Cxvi:0 | 12–15 | 12–sixteen | 12–xvi | 14–20 | xiv–22 | 18–21 | 12–sixteen | 12–16 | eighteen–24 | 18–22 |
C16:1 | ane–4 | 0.4–2.8 | two–4 | 0.ii–three | 1–4 | 0.5–three.8 | 1–2 | 0.eight–2.3 | 3 | 2–4 |
C16:2 | – | – | – | – | – | – | 0.8 | – | 0.8 | – |
C17:0 | 1 | 0.4–0.vii | 0.ix | 0.two–0.5 | 0.9 | 0.3–0.vii | 0.7 | 0.three | ii | 2 |
C17:1 | | 0.4–0.7 | ii.3 | 0.ane–0.2 | 0.9 | 0.ane–0.3 | two.eight | 0.i | 1.0 | 2.3 |
C18:0 | 15–25 | 17–27 | xiv–21 | 12–14 | 15–25 | xiii–19 | 10–22 | 18–23 | 13–15 | 13–xx |
Ceighteen:1 | 12–nineteen | thirteen–34 | 19–29 | 12–27 | 18–29 | 17–40 | sixteen–thirty | 21–28 | 23–31 | 23–29 |
Cxviii:2 | nine–10 | 12–16 | seven–xvi | 23–35 | 5–12 | vii–17 | 0.2–0.6 | 0.6–ii | 7 | seven–viii |
Cxviii:3 | 3.two | 0.3–1.ii | 2 | 0.four–2.4 | 0.iii–2 | 0.two–0.4 | 0.1–0.sixteen | Tr–two.3 | 2 | 2 |
Cxix:0 | 0.3 | 0.7 | 0.6 | ii | ii | 0.6 | 0.6 | one | 1 | 3 |
C20:0 | 0.1 | Tr–0.ane | 0.1–0.2 | Tr–0.1 | 0.3–0.half-dozen | 0.1–0.2 | 0.2–0.3 | 0.2–0.three | 2 | 1 |
C20:i | 0.1–0.3 | 0.2–0.3 | 0.ane–0.3 | 0.ii–0.half-dozen | 0.3–0.6 | 0.4–0.8 | 0.2–0.3 | one.two–1.8 | – | 1 |
C20:2 | 0.two–0.4 | 0.ii–0.four | 0.1–0.3 | 0.half-dozen–0.9 | 0.four– | 0.vii–0.ix | 0.1 | 0–1 | – | ii |
C20:3 | Tr–0.1 | Tr– | Tr–0.1 | Tr–1 | Tr–0.3 | | 0.ane–0.2 | 0.ane | – | – |
Cxx:4 | half-dozen–12 | 3–17 | 4–fourteen | 8–20 | 11–xvi | 3–xix | v–viii | nine–11 | five.2 | ii.4 |
C20:5 | 0.three–0.5 | 0.i–0.5 | 0.3–0.7 | 0.three–0.five | 0.3– | 0.ii–0.6 | – | 0.1 | – | 0.four |
C22:0 | 0.6–i.7 | – | 0.8–i.7 | 0.vii | 0.6–ane,7 | 0.4 | 0.5–0.6 | 0.6 | – | 2 |
C22:4 | i.7–3.four | 0.3–ane.4 | 0.4– | 0.ix–1.3 |–0.9 | 0.ix–1.8 | four.6–5.ii | 4.ii–5.three | 1 | – |
Saturated | 37.3–52.0 | 32.1–46.0 | 30.0–46.0 | 26.6–40.9 | 31.5–56.five | 32.00–43.viii | 23.iii–48.4 | 41.0–46.1 | 33.3–46.8 | 33.3–50.half dozen |
Unsaturated | 48.0– | 61.7–54.0 | 54.0–70.0 | 59.1–73.4 | 43.5–68.5 | 56.2–68.0 | 51.six– | 53.ix–59.0 | 53.two– | 49.4–66.7 |
Tr, trace; R, clockwise rotation around the asymmetric carbon.
Adapted from USDA, 2016. USDA Food Limerick Databases.; Prates, J.A.M., Alfaia, C., Alves, S., Bessa, R., 2011. Fatty acids. In: Nollet, 50.Thousand.L., Toldrá, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Analysis of Edible Beast By-products. CRC Printing, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 137–159 and Florek, Thou., Litwińczuk, Z., Skałecki, P., Kędzierska-Matysek, 1000., Grodzicki, T., 2012. Chemical composition and inherent properties of offal from calves maintained under 2 product systems. Meat Science 90, 402–409.
Table 22.vii. Range of Cholesterol Content Expressed equally mg/100 chiliad of Portion of Beef, Pork, and Lamb Edible By-products
Organ | Species | Raw |
Liver | Beef | 91–140 |
Pork | 90–150 | |
Lamb | 371–473 | |
Middle | Beefiness | 192–338 |
Pork | 214–354 | |
Lamb | 129–140 | |
Kidney | Beef | 100–517 |
Pork | 310–700 | |
Lamb | 315–338 | |
Brain | Beef | 1456–3010 |
Pork | 2195–2550 | |
Lamb | 1352 | |
Tongue | Beef | 78–171 |
Pork | 87–116 | |
Lamb | 132–180 |
Adapted from Bragagnolo, N., 2011. Analysis of cholesterol in edible creature by-products. In: Nollet, L.One thousand.50., Toldrá, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Analysis of Edible Fauna By-products. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 43–63.
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Typical cooked sausage products from effectually the earth
Gerhard Feiner , in Meat Products Handbook, 2006
13.eleven Mortadella (Italy)
Mortadella is a traditional Italian delicacy from Bologna. It is light pink in color and the fine sausage mass has visible fatty cubes distributed evenly throughout. Traditional mortadella is a shelf-stable product and no refrigeration is required. Original Mortadella is made from meat and fatty from pork only and as well contains, depending on the quality of the production, pork rind emulsion and/or cooked tripe. Tripe and pork stomachs are used for reasons of price and taste, because tripe not only is cheap but too contributes to the season in a unique mode. A traditional loftier-quality mortadella contains around 35% pork trimmings (shoulder) (90% CL grade), pork trimmings (85% CL grade), fifteen% pork belly, 10% tripe and 20% visible cubes (around i cm × 1 cm) of pork neck fat. If no tripe is available, so 35% abdomen meat is used. Traditional mortadella is made in a mincer–mixer arrangement. Just around 4–five% water is added. Caseinate or dried milk powder is sometimes used at 2–v%, and the additives include nitrite. More economic recipes incorporate effectually 6–15% rind emulsion, less lean shoulder meat and up to 25% visible pork back fatty. Around x% water is added in cheaper recipes, and the product is normally fabricated in the basin cutter. The spices used in mortadella include nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, pepper and a touch of coriander.
The process of producing traditional mortadella starts with mincing or flaking tempered meat and fat (and tripe) at around –five °C and then placing them both in a mixer. The meat and fat are mixed and and then minced with a 12–fourteen mm bract. The coarsely minced mass is then minced again with a very fine bract, 0.eight–0.9 mm, and the finely minced mass is returned to the mixer again. Salt, water, nitrite, spices and all other additives are added, and everything mixed well until a tacky mass is obtained. Occasionally, materials such as spices, salt, nitrite and water are added to the coarsely minced materials and mixed well earlier beingness minced with the 0.8–0.9 mm bract. This avoids the improver of powdered materials to a very finely minced meat mass. Fair-skinned (90 °C for around two–3 min) and drained fatty cubes are and so mixed into the finely minced mass.
The sausage mass is filled into large gristly or cellulose casings and commonly placed in a net (depending on the size and weight). It is then baked (dry heat) at 82–85 °C in a low RH until a core temperature of 74–76 °C is reached. Traditional mortadella is not smoked, although some mod recipes do add together a touch of fume. The loss in weight during baking is around 15% and the A w in the finished product is around 0.93, which restricts the growth of bacteria such as Salmonella spp. The high core temperature during baking also destroys bacteria very effectively, especially those which might otherwise survive and grow at the depression A w, such equally Staphylococcus aureus. The final product contains around 2.two–ii.iv% salt, which is quite high, thus lowering the A w and improving stability. The combination of finer killing all vegetative bacteria, reducing the A w below 0.95, and having high levels of table salt and other water-binding agents makes a traditional mortadella shelf stable.
Many different qualities of mortadella are produced, and much of information technology has very little resemblance to the traditional product. Commonly, a fairly depression-toll fine emulsion is fabricated using the all-in method and blanched cubes of fatty are mixed into the emulsion. The finished emulsion is and then more often than not filled into large fibrous casings and dried at lx–65 °C in a low RH earlier being smoked for a brusque while at effectually 70 °C. The product is so steamed at 78–lxxx °C until a core temperature of 70 °C is reached. Heat treatment is sometimes carried out in stages, first steaming until the core temperature reaches 65 °C and and then baking at around 85 °C to raise the core temperature to 70 °C, which results in a stronger color and flavor. These types of mortadella are not shelf stable and must be stored nether refrigeration. Low-cost mortadella may fifty-fifty be filled into waterproof casings and steamed or cooked in a water bathroom at fourscore °C until a core temperature of seventy °C is reached.
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ETHNIC MEAT PRODUCTS | Brazil and Due south America
F. González-Schnake , R. Nova , in Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (Second Edition), 2014
Most of the most pop sausages in Due south America have European roots, not only Castilian and Portuguese but also with a large Italian and German influence. Chorizo, mortadela, salchichón, and salame are merely few examples of how European immigrants influenced the development of the charcuterie in South America.
Like many other sausages, the most popular products in South America, linguiça and longaniza, are generally served as function of a heavy meal, typically accompanied past rice, beans or potatoes. Feijoada, for example, is a traditional dish, very common in Brazil, which incorporates linguiça with beans and other foods.
There are many types of meat products in S America with a wide diverseness of colors, flavors, and textures. These products constitute an important part of the local economic system and tradition. Indeed, attributable to the economic growth the elaboration has become more mechanized, but the processing is withal based on the traditional manufacturing processes.
This department will highlight four food products that stand out for either their penetration in the region and/or for the modifications that have experimented to arrange to local ingredients and taste.
Butifarra is a traditional Spanish product that has become highly popular in the northern part of South America, especially in Colombia.
This cooked fresh sausage is elaborated using beef, merely butifarras fabricated of chicken or pork can also be found. In some areas a mix of these iii kinds of meats are used in its product.
Lean meat, fat, and spices are mixed and so cased in edible tripe. Whereas the Castilian version of this product has a cylindrical shape, the Colombian 1 is more than spherical. Afterwards casing, the butifarras are cooked in boiling water and can exist consumed immediately because they do not require a ripening menses.
Linguiça is a sausage that has its origin in Portugal and is very popular in Brazilian cuisine.
There are many varieties of this product, so information technology can be produced from pork or from more than than one kind of meat, tin be smoked or non, can exist cured or non, can exist added with fatty or produced more lean, and it can be cased in natural or artificial edible casing (Figures two–4).
Figure two. Brazilian sausage Linguiça Calabresa.
Courtesy of Eduardo A. Norkus (DVM).
Figure 3. Brazilian sausage Linguiça carne frango (with chicken meat).
Courtesy of Eduardo A. Norkus (DVM).
Figure 4. Brazilian sausage Linguiça carne mista (pork and beef).
Courtesy of Eduardo A. Norkus (DVM).Nearly commonly it is prepared with pork and up to xx% of beef plus the added seasoning.
Linguiças must be stored for a catamenia of time to develop the desired organoleptic feature of the product. In case the product is intended to be smoked, the storage time can be in the smoking sleeping accommodation. Later on the ripening period, the product must be stored under refrigeration until commercialization.
This meat product is originally from Spain; all the same, information technology is highly popular not but in Due south America, but besides in United mexican states, the Caribbean area, and the southern regions of the USA.
Longaniza (Effigy v) is a sausage filled with minced pork mixed with fat (usually abdomen pork) and spices. Normally natural intestine (from pig) is used for casing, but as well synthetic collagen is used at times. Synthetic collagen casing is preferred in big companies, because it helps to standardize the product and reduces the chance of biological contamination in the food production.
Figure 5. Chillán'south longaniza, the nigh famous Chilean sausage.
This sausage is usually long and relatively thin in size. It can exist consumed raw if the longaniza has been cured and dried (a process that takes several months), but nigh commonly this sausage is commercialized as a fresh sausage, hence must be consumed cooked (traditionally fried or in barbecues).
Salchicha de Huacho
This product, also known as salchicha huachana, is typical from Peru. Its elaboration is similar equally in longaniza; hence, pork, pork belly, and spices are normally used in the elaboration of this product. Afterwards mixing the ingredients, either natural or synthetic edible collagen tin can be used for casing.
A peculiar feature of this sausage is its brilliant yellow color due to the use of annatto in its production. Annatto is a natural colorant used in food production, which is extracted from the Southward American plant Bixa orellana.
Salchicha de Huacho is a fresh sausage and it must be cooked (usually fried) before consumption.
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Nutrient regulations, standards, and labelling
Susan Featherstone , in A Consummate Course in Canning and Related Processes (Fourteenth Edition), 2015
2.eleven.2 Mandatory standards Standards of composition and identity
USDA has established minimum content requirements for federally inspected meat and poultry products (usually canned or frozen) under the Federal Meat Inspection Act and the Poultry Products Inspection Act and these regulations are covered in Championship ix CFR Function 319.
To be labelled with a item name – such as 'Beefiness Stew' – a federally inspected meat or poultry product must come across specified content requirements. These requirements clinch the consumer that he'south getting what the label says he'south getting. They practise non, however, prevent different companies from making distinctive recipes. The USDA minimum content requirement for products listed in Championship nine CFR Part 319 are 'Chile con Carne' – 40% of fresh meat weight; 'Chile con Carne with Beans' – 25% of fresh meat weight; 'Hash' – 35% of cooked meat weight; 'Corned Beefiness Hash' – not less than 35% of cooked meat weight of fresh beefiness; 'Cured Beef' or 'Canned Corned Beef', for meat stew – 25% fresh meat of species named on characterization; 'Tamales' – 25% fresh meat; 'Spaghetti with Meat and Sauce' and similar products – not less than 12% of fresh meat weight; 'Spaghetti sauce with Meat' – vi% of fresh meat; 'Tripe with Milk' – 65% tripe; 'Beans with Frankfurters in Sauce', 'Sauerkraut with Wieners and Juice', and like products – not less than 20% by weight of the cooked meat product; 'Lima Beans with Ham in Sauce', 'Beans with Salary', and like products – 12% of cooked production; 'Chow Mein Vegetables with Meat' – 12% of fresh meat; 'Pork or Beef with Charcoal-broil Sauce' – 50% of cooked meat; 'Beef with Gravy' shall non comprise from meat with more than than 30% trimable fat; 'Deviled Ham', tongue, or similar products – not more than 35% fatty; and 'Ham or Natural language Spread' – not less than 50% of the meat ingredient named. In improver, other guidelines in the above-mentioned standards include setting specific and optional ingredients. Interested parties should consult the CFR for complete details.
USDA has likewise established complete standards of identity for pizza, oleomargarine, lard, mixed-fat shortening, and meat extracts.
2.xi.2.2 US food and drug assistants standards
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act provides for three kinds of mandatory standards for products being shipped across country lines: standards of identity, standards of minimum quality, and standards of fill of container. All these standards are administered by the Food and Drug Administration of the US Section of Health and Human Services. The law sets forth penalties for noncompliance.
Standards of Identity – FDA standards of identity (like USDA's) establish what a given food product is – that is, what a nutrient must be to exist labelled 'preserves'. FDA standards of identity also provide for utilize of optional ingredients, in add-on to the mandatory ingredients that identify the product. Standards of identity have eliminated from the market such things as 'raspberry spread' – a production fabricated from a little fruit and a lot of water, pectin, sugar, artificial colouring and flavouring, and a few grass seeds to propose a fruit preserve; such a product may non be labelled as 'preserves'.
FDA has standards of identity for a large number of food products (excluding meat and poultry products, which are covered by USDA).
Types of products for which standards of identity have been formulated by FDA include: cacao product, cereal flour and related products, macaroni and noodle products, baker products, milk and cream products, cheese and cheese products, frozen desserts, food flavouring, dressings for food, canned fruits and fruit juices, fruit butters, jellies and preserves, nonalcoholic beverages, canned and frozen shellfish, eggs, and egg products, oleomargarine or margarine, nut products, canned vegetables, and tomato products.
Standards of Minimum Quality – FDA standards of quality have been set for a number of canned fruits and vegetables to supplement standards of identity. These are minimum standards for such factors as tenderness, colour, and freedom from defects. They are regulatory, every bit opposed to USDA grand standards of quality, which are for voluntary employ.
If a nutrient does not come across FDA quality standards, it must be labelled 'Below Standard in Quality Food – Not High Grade' or, words may be substituted for the second role of that statement to prove in what respect the product is substandard. The label could read, 'Below Standard in Quality Food, Excessively Broken', or 'Beneath Standard in Quality Food, Excessive Skin'. The consumer seldom, if always, sees a product with a substandard label.
When USDA form standards are developed for a product for which FDA has a minimum standard of quality, requirements for the lowest grade level USDA sets are at least equally high as the FDA minimum. USDA form standards for canned tomatoes, for example, are US Grades A, B, and C. Grade C is comparable to FDA'southward minimum standard of quality.
Standards of Make full of Container – These standards tell the packer how total a container must be to avoid deception. They prevent the selling of air or h2o in place of nutrient.
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HACCP in the processing of fresh meat
C.O. Gill , in Improving the Safety of Fresh Meat, 2005
27.vii Collection and cooling of offals
Offals include a range of diverse tissues which tin can be considered as falling into three broad groups with respect to their collection and cooling. Those groups are the mainly muscle tissues of head meats, weasand meat and tongues, and appendages such every bit tails, ears and trotters; visceral organs such every bit the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and thymus; and portions of the gut, such equally parts of cattle and sheep stomachs which are sold equally tripes, the small intestines of pigs which are sold every bit chitterlings, and the tubes of connective tissue stripped from the outsides of intestines which are sold as natural casings ( Pearson and Dutson, 1998).
The tissues of the first group will be more than or less heavily contaminated with leaner at the time of their removal from the carcass whatever collection methods are adopted. The critical operations in the collection processes for those tissues are so the cleaning treatments and any decontaminating treatments to which they are subjected. Washing alone, when performed for a sufficient fourth dimension with big volumes of h2o, tin can reduce the numbers of bacteria on head meats, tongues and cattle tails (Table 27-20), and probably on similar product such as weasand meat (Gill et al., 1999e). Dehairing, scrubbing or other vigorous cleaning treatment may be required for substantial reduction of the numbers of bacteria on products largely covered by skin, similar ears and trotters. However vigorous the cleaning, the numbers of bacteria remaining on offals of the showtime group are probable to remain loftier. A pasteurizing treatment of those offals products would and then seem desirable, although such a treatment is at present not usual.
Tabular array 27-20. Log mean numbers of total aerobic bacteria, coliforms and Escherichia coli on beefiness tongues and tails before and later on washing, and beefiness cheeks and lips later on washing at a packing found (Gill et al., 1999c)
Product | Stage of processing | Log mean numbers | ||
Aerobes(log CFU/cmii) | Coliforms (log CFU/100 cm2) | East. coli (log CFU/100 cm2) | ||
Tongue | Before washing | four.84 | 4.34 | 4.27 |
After washing | 2.xiii | < ane.00 | < 1.00 | |
Cheeks | After washing | iii.35 | 2.48 | two.17 |
Lips | After washing | 2.42 | ane.77 | 1.twoscore |
Tails | Earlier washing | 3.73 | 4.86 | 4.66 |
Afterward washing | 2.60 | 2.89 | ii.58 |
The visceral organs which etch the 2d group of offals can be removed without beingness much contaminated with bacteria (Gill and De Lacy, 1982). The organs must be inspected for symptoms of overt disease, and are usually placed on trays along with, if in carve up compartments from, the intestines of the animal. Unfortunately, the requirements for inspection always override whatsoever consideration of preventing microbiological contamination of the organs. Consequently, they may be heavily contaminated during operations for their removal from the carcass and inspection, just changes to the process to amend their microbiological condition will be difficult to implement if the proposed changes are seen as conflicting in whatsoever way with the inspection procedures. Organ offals are usually done before they are packed, just the extent to which microbial loads on the products are reduced by washing in commercial processes does not seem to have been reported.
Portions of the gut which are used for nutrient will ever be heavily contaminated with bacteria associated with faeces and ingesta even afterwards the all-encompassing washing that must be applied to remove well-nigh of the visible contagion. Portions of gut used as nutrient for humans may exist sold raw (Stewart et al., 1978), but much of those tissues are cooked or otherwise processed before they are sold to consumers. Thus, chitterlings are usually subjected to prolonged boiling and are pressed in moulds to form a compact mass suitable for slicing; beef tripes are usually scalded then soaked in an alkaline peroxide solution which bleaches and swells the tissues; and casings are usually preserved by dry salting or immersion in strong brine solutions. All of those treatments can destroy most of the bacteria present on the product (Gill, 1988). The last treatments of the gut portions are therefore CCPs in the collection processes for those products.
For the offals which are not processed, similar those in the third group, the growth of bacteria must be controlled or prevented past chilling or freezing the products. While temperatures remain above 7 °C, mesophilic, enteric pathogens present on the production will be able to grow, while cold-tolerant pathogens are capable of growth at temperatures down to 0 °C or below (Greer et al., 1995). The rates at which bacteria abound tend to increase quickly with temperature (Fig. 27.2), so the charge per unit at which the temperature of an offal is reduced, from body temperature to at to the lowest degree the chiller temperature range, is equally important for product condom as the final temperature attained by the product (Gill and Harrison, 1985).
Fig. 27.2. Effect of temperature on the generation time of Escherichia coli (Gill and Harrison, 1985).
The small sizes and the extensive washing with cold h2o of the individual pieces of tissue amongst the offals of the first grouping (Gill and Jones, 1992) volition mostly ensure that they are at a temperature of most 25 °C past the time that they are packed (Tabular array 27-21). If they are then placed in boxes or other containers of moderate size and the containers are each exposed to an fairly rapid flow of common cold air, then they will cool sufficiently rapidly to preclude any all-encompassing growth of mesophilic pathogens. In contrast, large organs such every bit beefiness livers or hearts may cool piffling betwixt the times they are removed from carcasses and the times of their arrival at a packing station. Those organs can and then be at a temperature of over 35 °C when packed, and if placed in big boxes or containers will cool just slowly at the centres of such containers fifty-fifty when those are exposed to loftier flows of cold air. Under such circumstances extensive growth of pathogenic bacteria on the product is possible.
Table 27-21. Temperatures at the centres of newly packed boxes of offals at a beefiness packing plant (Gill and Jones, 1992)
Offal | Temperature (°C) | |
Maximum | Average | |
Liver | 38 | 36 |
Heart | 39 | 36 |
Hanging tender | 36 | 34 |
Tongue | thirty | 26 |
Cheek | 29 | 25 |
Lip | 29 | 25 |
Weasand meat | 27 | 24 |
Tail | 27 | 24 |
The worst practice, which obtains at some plants, is to collect warm offals into bulk containers which are held for lengthy periods at the collection point before the containers are filled and moved to a packing station. Nether those circumstances, a flora predominantly of E. coli can develop (Gill and Penney, 1982). The all-time practice with offals is their intermission on hooks along a rack which is placed in a chiller or freezer in an area of high airflow and so that the offals cool rapidly with drying of the surfaces.
The adequacy of the control over offal cooling can be assessed by the collection of temperature histories from randomly selected units moving through a process, and integration of the temperature histories with respect to models which describe the dependency on temperature of the growth of indicator organisms, such equally Eastward. coli (Gill et al., 1995). Packing and cooling procedures can then be adapted to ensure that the maximum proliferation of pathogens at any indicate within whatsoever production unit is maintained inside tolerable limits. The growth predicted for E. coli at a monitored point within a mass of organ offals (Gill and Harrison, 1985) is likely to exist close to the growth that would occur amongst whatever such organisms that were present (Tabular array 27-22). Bacterial growth values estimated from production temperature histories nerveless from randomly selected sites in randomly selected product units may then be substituted with some confidence for direct determined bacterial numbers when assessing the microbiological effects of offal cooling processes. Similar procedures can also exist applied for assessing the adequacy of procedures for cooling meat which is cut from warm carcasses in a hot boning process (Reichel et al., 1991).
Tabular array 27-22. Values for the proliferation of Escherichia coli on cooling offals determined by the enumeration of bacteria or calculated from production temperature history data (Gill and Harrison, 1985)
Offal | E. coli proliferation (generations) | |
By enumeration | Past calculation | |
Liver | 13.six | 13.3 |
Centre | x.vii | 10.nine |
Kidney | ten.nine | 9.5 |
Brain | seven.0 | seven.3 |
Sweetbread | 2.vii | 2.eight |
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Sausage processing and production
Steven M. Lonergan , ... Dennis N. Marple , in The Scientific discipline of Animal Growth and Meat Engineering science (Second Edition), 2019
Sausage Ingredients
Raw Meat Materials
The proper selection of raw materials, primarily beast tissues, is fundamental to the production of uniform, high quality, safe sausage products. In other words, a sausage product will be no ameliorate than the raw meat ingredients used to manufacture it. In Table xiv.1 , a wide variety of unlike raw meat products used in the industry of sausage products are presented. These raw materials are derived from the skeletal and nonskeletal parts (variety meats) of beef, pigs, sheep, and calves. In add-on to these tissues, chicken and turkey skeletal musculus meats are also used. Poultry meat is a significant ingredient in the manufacture of sausage products because information technology is a less expensive ingredient than ruddy meats. Mechanically separated meat from beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey, and minced fish are raw materials used in the manufacture of some sausage products. The most valuable raw meat material ingredients for sausage product are lean skeletal meats obtained from balderdash and cow carcasses. This beef is particularly recognized for its high lean-to-fat ratio, lean colour, and superior water-binding capacity. Pork and beef trimmings provide most of the added fat in a sausage formulation. Some nonskeletal muscle meats such equally hearts, tongues, and tripe are used sparingly as filler meats in some least-cost formulations. When used, all filler meats must be listed individually on the packet ingredient statement. Other nonskeletal muscle meats, even so, are used to make high quality sausage items such every bit liver sausage and blood and tongue sausage. Considering of the variation in brute tissues, certain standards of freshness, bacterial contagion, binding properties, lean-to-fatty ratio, composition, lean colour, collagen content, os and bone fragments, and "gristle"-complimentary meat must be met to achieve high quality sausage products.
Table 14.i. Examples of different meats used in sausage manufacture (classified according to bounden a qualities)
Items | Examples |
Meats having the all-time bounden qualities: | Balderdash beef |
Boneless moo-cow meat | |
Beef chucks | |
Meats having adequately practiced bounden qualities: | Beefiness caput meat |
Beefiness cheeks | |
Boneless veal | |
Calf head meat | |
Pork trimmings, actress lean | |
Pork trimmings, lean | |
Pork head meat | |
Pork cheeks | |
Meats having poor bounden qualities: | Beefiness hearts |
Beef weasand meat | |
Beef giblets | |
Beef tongue trimmings | |
Regular pork trimmings | |
Pork hearts | |
Pork jowls | |
Pork ham fat | |
Sheep cheeks | |
Sheep hearts | |
The post-obit meats, although nutritious, have practically no binding qualities at all and are used as fillers in the involvement of economic system. The use of these ingredients should exist express to less than 25% of the meat formula because of their high connective tissue content. | Ox lips |
Beefiness tripe | |
Pork snouts | |
Pork lips | |
Pork tripe |
- a
- Bind is divers as the capacity to concenter and retain water and encapsulate fat.
The characteristics of meat associated with binding ability are particularly essential in the production of high quality sausages. Naturally, meat has a wide variation in its ability to bind water and agree lean and fat together. The best water-retention and fat-emulsification properties of meat during processing are from the proteins of lean skeletal muscle tissues.
Myofibrillar Proteins
The myofibrillar proteins are the class of meat proteins responsible for binding water and encapsulating fat. For case, the addition of salt to the lean meat portion of the sausage formulation to solubilize the myofibrillar protein is the most effective way of binding added water and fat in the sausage product. Once solubilized, the myofibrillar proteins are able to form a "gel" when heated. This gel matrix is the explanation for the change in texture of cooked salted meat (e.g., from frankfurter batter to a frankfurter that has texture and bind).
Sarcoplasmic Proteins
Another course of meat proteins is called sarcoplasmic proteins. They are water soluble, and the muscle pigment, myoglobin, is located in the sarcoplasmic protein fraction. Myoglobin is responsible for the color patterns in meat. For example, beef has the most myoglobin and has the darkest color. Pork has less myoglobin and has a lighter colour than beef. Poultry breast and fly meat has the to the lowest degree myoglobin and is lighter in colour than pork. The darker poultry meat from legs has more myoglobin and is darker than chest meat. Therefore the sarcoplasmic poly peptide traits volition influence the colour of processed meat. The sarcoplasmic proteins, still, have very limited bounden capacity when compared with the myofibrillar proteins. More than detailed information on sarcoplasmic proteins can be establish in Chapter nine and Fig. 9.6.
Stromal Protein
Collagen is an example of stromal protein in muscle. This muscle connective tissue protein is capable of bounden h2o, but collagen does non have expert binding traits. Collagen-type meats such as beef shanks should be limited in the industry of an emulsion-type sausage to obtain a stable concoction.
In add-on to the musculus component for sausage, fat from beefiness and pork trimmings is added to adjust to the desired fat content in the sausage conception. Fat contributes to the texture, juiciness, taste, flavor, and final price of the sausage. Fat is a major ingredient in sausage product. Today, however, the trend is to decrease fatty content to meet the consumer demand for low-fatty or fatty-complimentary sausages.
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