Disapproving But Invisible: College Pupil and Adult Views, Reasons, and Responses to On-Line Posts near Booze

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1 University of Scranton, Us
* Respective Writer

Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, Book 8, Issue ii, pp. 55-80. https://doi.org/ten.12973/ojcmt/2354

Open up ACCESS 1194 Views 756 Downloads Published online: 24 Jun 2018


Most inquiry about alcohol on social media focuses on visible posts college students share, just non how others, including adults, view this data and what they exercise in response. An online survey of 572 students and 190 faculty/staff at a northeastern Pennsylvania university asked respondents to rate, explain, and react to 2 hypothetical Facebook posts well-nigh alcohol. Ane post was a bland statement of intoxication, while the other depicted the person as underage and mentioned vomiting. Findings reveal age similarities in the general views, reasons, and reactions to both posts. While more disquisitional of the college law-breaking mail service, both students and adults felt that each mail service was more often than not inappropriate and their reasoning is similar. For the low criminal offense mail service, respondents felt that information technology was socially unpopular and reflected poorly on the person; and, in the more than offensive mail service, the illegal beliefs was noted. Still findings as well reveal that both students and adults largely study that they would ignore or hide the post; therefore, the poster is not likely to see or be enlightened of the viewer'south disapproval. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.


Wolfer, 50. (2018). Disapproving Just Invisible: College Student and Adult Views, Reasons, and Responses to On-Line Posts nearly Alcohol. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 8(2), 55-80. https://doi.org/10.12973/ojcmt/2354


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